Saturday, March 29, 2008


The taproot of the plant forms a delicious and popular vegetable, although the whole plant is edible and the greens can be used as a leafy vegetable. Radish leaves almost 265 mg of calcium, 18 mg of iron and 81 mg of vitamin c per 100 gms, and are therefore excellent source of nutrients.

Radish is usually used as a granish or salad ingredient because of its colour, crisp, texture and pungent and peppery flavour.

The vitamin C content in radish leaves can act as an antioxidant and anti flammatory agent, and therefore can prove to have positive effect on asthma symptoms. Radish contains 138 mg of potassium per 100 gms, which can help lower the risk of kidney stones and strokes. Radish when taken along with the leaves, combined with a diet high in other fruits and vegetables, can significantly lower the risk of multiple sclerosis.


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