Saturday, March 29, 2008


Summer's here? No sweat! Here are some cool ways to deal with it.

Ofcourse, We all know how the heat can affect the body's system of internal temperature regulation and cause everything from rashes, cramps, exhaustion to heat stroke. Why get to this stage? Hydration is the name of the game. Indians have ingenious methods of extracting coolness from rose petals, magoes, almonds, barley and more.

Long, cool sips of water through the day is the obvious first choice. How about a superb remedy derived from traditional, local cusines? Like sattu, (from bihar) the common man's summer-cooler. Roasted barley is ground into a powder, mixed with jaggery and water. similarly, nimbu pani or shikanjvi (lime juice and sugar) tender coconut water, panna (a drink made with raw mangoes) are regular summer antidotes. North indians have grown up on chaas and lassi made with whipped curd. Add zeera powder and rock salt and you're in for a treat. Buttermilk is not only a cooling drink, but also superb for digestion. Temper this buttermilk with curry leaves, mustard seeds and ginger and drink it through the day. South indians end their meal with buttermilk.

A word of caution: Do avoid drinking that street-side gaane-ka-juice and chilled milk products outside.

Finally, the build up of heat in your body , is visible as the yellow coating on your tongue, bad breath and red eyes. How do we avoid this?
~~~~Eat less, Drink more~~~~

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